NullableTypes Class Library

NullableInt16 Members

NullableInt16 overview

Public Static (Shared) Fields

MaxValue Maximum value of this type of object
MinValue Minimum value of this type of object
Null Null initializer for this object. A Null is the absence of a value because missing, unknown, or inapplicable value. A Null should not be used to imply any other value (such as zero). Also any value (such as zero) should not be used to imply the absence of a value, that's why Null exists.
Zero Zero value Nullable16 object

Public Static (Shared) Methods

Abs Returns the absolute value of a Nullable Int16
Add Returns the result of adding two NullableInt16
BitwiseAnd returns the result of bitwise And operation on NullableInt16 values
BitwiseOr returns the result of bitwise 'Or' operation on NullableInt16 values
Divide Returns the result of division performed on NullableInt16 values
EqualsOverloaded. Determines if two NullableInt16 values are equal or not
GreaterThan returns the result of greater than comparision between NullableInt16 values
GreaterThanOrEqual returns the result of 'greater than or equals' comparision between NullableInt16 values
LessThan returns the result of less than comparision between NullableInt16 values
LessThanOrEqual returns the result of 'less than or equals' comparision between NullableInt16 values
Mod returns modulo for NullableInt16 values
Multiply returns the result of multiplication of two NullableInt16 values
NotEquals Determines whether given NullableInt16 values are equal or not.
OnesComplement 1's complement of a NullableInt16 value
Parse parse NullableInt16 value from a string
Subtract returns the result of subtraction of a NullableInt16 value from another.
Xor Calculates exclusive or of two NullableInt16 values

Public Static (Shared) Operators

Addition Operator Returns result of adding the operands
Bitwise And Operator Bitwise AND operator
Bitwise Or Operator Bitwise OR operator
Division Operator Division operation
Equality Operator Compares two instances of NullableInt16 for equivalence.
Exclusive Or Operator Bitwise exclusive OR operator
Explicit NullableTypes.NullableBoolean to NullableTypes.NullableInt16 ConversionOverloaded. Converts NullableBoolean to NullableInt16
Explicit NullableTypes.NullableDecimal to NullableTypes.NullableInt16 ConversionOverloaded. converts NullableDecimal value to NullableInt16 value
Explicit NullableTypes.NullableDouble to NullableTypes.NullableInt16 ConversionOverloaded. Converts NullableDouble to NullableInt16 value
Explicit NullableTypes.NullableInt16 to System.Int16 ConversionOverloaded. Converts NullableInt16 to short
Explicit NullableTypes.NullableInt16 to System.Int32 ConversionOverloaded. Converts NullableInt16 to int
Explicit NullableTypes.NullableInt64 to NullableTypes.NullableInt16 ConversionOverloaded. Converts NullableInt64 to NullableInt16 value
Explicit NullableTypes.NullableSingle to NullableTypes.NullableInt16 ConversionOverloaded. Converts NullableSingle to NullableInt16
Explicit NullableTypes.NullableString to NullableTypes.NullableInt16 ConversionOverloaded. Converts NullableString to NullableInt16 value
Greater Than Operator Comparison: greater than
Greater Than Or Equal Operator Comparison: greater than or equals
Implicit System.Int16 to NullableTypes.NullableInt16 ConversionOverloaded. Converts short to to NullableInt16 value
Implicit NullableTypes.NullableByte to NullableTypes.NullableInt16 ConversionOverloaded. Converts NullableByte to NullableInt16 value
Implicit NullableTypes.NullableInt32 to NullableTypes.NullableInt16 ConversionOverloaded. Converts NullableInt32 to NullableInt16 value
Inequality Operator Compares two instances of NullableInt16 for equivalence.
Less Than Operator Comparison: Less than
Less Than Or Equal Operator Comparison: less than or equals
Modulus Operator Modulus operation
Multiplication Operator Multiplication operation
Ones Complement Operator finds out one's compliment of a NullableInt16 value
Subtraction Operator Computes the subtraction of the two specified NullableInt16 structures.
Unary Negation Operator Negates a Nullable Int16 value

Public Instance Constructors

NullableInt16 Constructor Constructor for NullableInt16 type objects

Public Instance Properties

IsNull Indicates whether or not the value of the NullableInt32 structure is Null.
Value Gets the value of the NullableInt16 structure. This property is read-only

Public Instance Methods

CompareTo Implementation for IComparable interface.
EqualsOverloaded. Determines if this NullableInt16 is equal to the specified NullableInt16
GetHashCode Determines hashcode of this NullableInt16
GetType (inherited from Object)Gets the Type of the current instance.
GetTypeCode Returns the TypeCode for value type NullableInt16.
ToNullableBoolean Converts the value of this instance to a NullableBoolean value
ToNullableByte Converts the value of this instance to a NullableDecimal value
ToNullableDecimal Converts the value of this instance to a NullableDecimal value
ToNullableDouble Converts the value of this instance to a NullableDouble value
ToNullableInt32 Converts the value of this instance to a ToNullableInt64 value
ToNullableInt64 Converts the value of this instance to a ToNullableInt64 value
ToNullableSingle Converts the value of this instance to a NullableSingle value
ToNullableString Converts the value of this instance to a NullableString value
ToString Converts the value of this instance to a string value

Protected Instance Methods

Finalize (inherited from Object)Allows an Object to attempt to free resources and perform other cleanup operations before the Object is reclaimed by garbage collection.
MemberwiseClone (inherited from Object)Creates a shallow copy of the current Object.

Explicit Interface Implementations

IXmlSerializable.GetSchema This member supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not intended to be used directly from your code.
IXmlSerializable.ReadXml This member supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not intended to be used directly from your code.
IXmlSerializable.WriteXml This member supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not intended to be used directly from your code.

See Also

NullableInt16 Class | NullableTypes Namespace